Wilshire Quinn Capital
“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.” ― Arthur O’Shaughnessy

Wilshire Quinn
Musical Arts Scholarship

At Wilshire Quinn Capital, we recognize the deep impact music can have on our lives. Music has the power to shape our experiences and create lasting memories. To support the next generation of musicians, we have established the Wilshire Quinn Musical Arts Scholarship, offering a $10,000 award to one deserving applicant of our choosing. We seek candidates who exhibit passion, talent, dedication, and financial need.

Whether you play the violin, pick an electric guitar, or belt Pavorotti, we want to celebrate and support you as you pursue your dreams. We hope to inspire a wave of creativity and innovation in music. Together, we can ensure that music continues to thrive and inspire future generations.

2025 Award

One scholarship of $10,000 will be awarded. Funds will be used for tuition only and paid directly to the educational institution.

When To Apply

Applications for the 2025 scholarship will open on March 1, 2025.

How to Apply

Applicants need to submit a video link (YouTube or similar) showcasing themselves physically performing their musical skills. Song selections should reflect who you are as an artist and your unique abilities. Videos need to be submission-specific, meaning performed and recorded specifically for the Wilshire Quinn Musical Arts Scholarship. Videos should be roughly 3 minutes in length and include a brief introduction of yourself with your name, college of attendance, and music major/minor. Please no music videos or vocal/instrument enhancement (mixing, dubbing, auto-tuning, etc.).

Applicants must also submit a short personal statement (PDF, Word Document, or similar), no longer than 450 words, sharing how your passion for music has shaped your life. Describe your musical journey, highlighting key experiences, challenges overcome, and your vision for the future in the musical arts. Please also include your college of attendance and music major/minor. If you are currently in high school, please provide the name of the college you plan to attend and indicate the semester/quarter you will be starting. Please save the file as your first name, middle initial, last name, and instrument. For example, “Maria A. Smith, Trumpet” or “David M. Jones, Vocals”.

The entry form for your submission can be found below, with designated areas for your video performance link and personal statement.


The deadline for submission is June 1, 2025. The 2025 scholarship recipient will be announced on or around July 1, 2025. All applicants will receive an email notification once the winner is selected.

The Fine Print

To qualify, all applicants must be between the ages of 17–24, enrolled (or set to be enrolled) full-time at a U.S. university or college, and be studying music either as a major or minor. Funds will be used for tuition only and paid directly to the educational institution.

If you have any questions, please email them to scholarship@wilshirequinn.com.

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